The Non-Existent City of York

Chapter House in York Minster The title is my somewhat tongue-in-cheek conception of York during the 4 days we were there. The city does exist, if you go and visit Yorkshire, England, you will find a lovely old city. But we had the equivalent of “finals week” over the period of 3 days while we were in York so between studying for exams, writing papers, working on group presentations and having to walk 30 minutes into the downtown area, we saw very little of the historic city, at least, I did. On Sunday morning, we went to York Minster for service which ended up being 2 and ½ hours long, 30 page bulletin, because it was a special service for deacon ordination. While it is great that people are being ordained to work in specific positions in churches, we were already tired and it was a VERY long service. I did walk around the city a little bit after church, mostly poking around antiquarian bookstores. So TANGENT. One of my favorite things about the trip as a w...