About Me

Who am I? 
I’m just a girl on an adventure, sometimes traveling the path less trodden, other times walking along well worn roads. 
I'm a country farm girl at heart after being a domestic missionary kid at His Mansion Ministries in New Hampshire for 11 years.
Friends, family, relationships, God, Sabbath, and sleep are some of the most important things in my life though not always in that particular order. 
I love books, animals, small children, chocolate chip cookies, writing, good conversations, walking in the forest, playing board games, and spending quality time with dear ones. 
I believe in Jesus as my Savior, in adventures, in dreaming, in laughing, in spending time in solitude and silence, in creating, in learning, in growing, in giving, and in loving.

Why this blog?
Writing is a rhythm of life for me whether it's in my quiet time, personal journal, gratitude journal, or on this blog. I write because it's life-giving to me; it's needed for my internal processing, and I'm fascinated by language. I get to channel some of my thoughts and ideas into this blog and hopefully they will be helpful, encouraging, and/or challenging to my readers. I believe there is an incredible power in writing and in the words we choose and so I hope to use them well and wisely. If you ever want to know more, please reach out.

Fun fact: My life symbol is a tree!


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