Martha: Classic Type-A, Busy, Anxious Wheaton Student

I am Martha, hands down. She is one of the characters who is easy to type-cast into modern day life. Jesus gently rebukes Martha in Luke 10:41-42 but it could easily be me. "Francesca, Francesca, you are anxious and troubled about many things but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion which will not be taken away from her." The rebuke is meant for me as much as it was for Martha. This past quad, I've been in Art Survey 101 and was asked to choose an image, preferably with religious connotations/meaning, for my image interaction journal that would take me the whole quad to complete. I chose Tintoretto's image ' Christ in the House of Martha and Mary '. Not exactly how I would chosen to have painted the story, if I could paint fit to be seen, but I appreciated the meaning behind the painting. I knew in my heart that I was and have always been Martha-oriented. That's my personality and how I am driven. I have a type-A personality. I work h...