Starfish - A Symbol of Hope

The ever-present digital clock in the lobby winks at a boy and a girl as the minutes flip by. Standing there discussing conflict styles, family backgrounds, stories from the past, social justice and who knows what more. Just two students on a Christian liberal arts college campus talking about life and sharing story on a Thursday night. Few of the passing students give them a second glance as they stand in front of the lobby doors. Eventually, the girl asks, "Why? Why should I care? What difference does it make?" Frustration and questions bubble from her lips. She doesn't think that it isn't important to try to make wrongs right but wonders at her apathy towards working for justice in the world. She doesn't feel strongly about it and is often ashamed that she does not care much about this or that prevalent social issue in today's global society. "I am just one person and this issue will not likely be solved in my lifetime nor perhaps in many to come. What...