::defining privilege through poetry::

I wrote this poem right before I studied abroad in Sevilla, Spain. I have many posts that I draft and don't publish right away; mostly because I usually have multiple ideas flowing at the same time. I choose the one I think fits best for my life then and the rest hang out in draft form until needed. This is one of those posts that was written and stored away. Now I believe it's time for it to see the light. I'm open to hearing feedback and criticism. This is just what I was thinking and feeling at the time. What Is Privilege? It's a word my mom always used When I was a child "It's a privilege not a right" "Your privileges are taken away" I learned privilege wasn't about entitlement It was something I was given But it could also be retracted Now I'm older Privilege is a word I connect with Social justice and race relations I think of white privilege The underprivileged of our society The privilege I have been given As p...