::hospitality of heart and home::

I love that this icon came up as one of the first images of Christian hospitality Guess what? I did an adult thing! *drum roll please* I cooked dinner for 4 friends and myself over spring break! Aren't you proud of me? AND, it wasn't just mac'n'cheese or spaghetti and meatballs. I made rice, roasted broccoli, steamed dumplings and my friends helped to make Chinese flatbread. We ate almost all of it so I think they liked it and everything turned out okay. We ate food, hung out, reminisced about the summer at camp we'd spent together, caught up on each other's lives, and had sweet fellowship. One of my friends texted me the next day saying, "thanks so much for putting on that company. It was great." A couple days later, I read the story of Abraham entertaining the angels unaware in Genesis 13 and how he considered himself honored to be able to host them. I realized that that was my response to hosting my friends in my on-campus house. It was a bless...