::breathing the kingdom of heaven::

Photo credit: Church of the Rez - Lights and Lessons *breathe in* *breathe in* *breathe out* *breathe out* This unconscious rhythm of our bodies keeps us alive. We do it instinctively because it's part of how we function and what we need to survive. What are those instinctual rhythms in our spiritual lives? Literally and metaphorically. I believe the kingdom of heaven both in the sense of the 'already and the not yet' is integral to our spiritual well-being. I don't know about you but I struggle with what the kingdom of heaven means in my day to day life. Where is it? What is it? How do I participate in it and in furthering it? I went to a school whose motto is " For Christ and His Kingdom " so I feel like I should have some idea of what's going on. I guess going to a Christian liberal arts college doesn't prepare you for everything. Anyways, what does it mean for God to be king and for me to live in His kingdom? How do I invite others i...