You know you're a camp counselor when...

Finally, the classic after-you've-been-a-camp-counselor blog post. This list was compiled by myself and my wonderful SLS friends from this summer. I tried to whittle it down to the best and most hilarious. May you chuckle over it and resonate with it, especially if you have ever been a camp counselor. Paint fight you are clean for about 2.5 seconds after getting out of the shower your feet are never clean. Never. having a paint war sounds like the best idea in the world you count jumping in the lake as a close second to actually taking a shower getting up at 6:45am is "sleeping in" you are constantly counting your campers but can never come up with the number you are supposed to have (this was me all summer, not kidding) you have camp songs stuck in your head ALL the time you realize that you outpace your campers in about 5 steps you wear the same 5 outfits for 2 weeks straight you repeat yourself over and over again because there is always one kid who isn...