Finally, the classic after-you've-been-a-camp-counselor blog post. This list was compiled by myself and my wonderful SLS friends from this summer. I tried to whittle it down to the best and most hilarious. May you chuckle over it and resonate with it, especially if you have ever been a camp counselor.
Paint fight |
- you are clean for about 2.5 seconds after getting out of the shower
- your feet are never clean. Never.
- having a paint war sounds like the best idea in the world
- you count jumping in the lake as a close second to actually taking a shower
- getting up at 6:45am is "sleeping in"
- you are constantly counting your campers but can never come up with the number you are supposed to have (this was me all summer, not kidding)
- you have camp songs stuck in your head ALL the time
- you realize that you outpace your campers in about 5 steps
- you wear the same 5 outfits for 2 weeks straight
- you repeat yourself over and over again because there is always one kid who isn't listening
- you join the Chaco tan club hardcore
- you laugh at your campers trying to flirt
- you have orange paint in one ear and whipped cream in the other
- you go back to every part of camp because your campers have left something in every single place
- you cut up ticks and summer sausage with the same knife
- you fall asleep during rest hour every time
Unit wilderness challenge |
- you tell your kids that any food that hits the ground now has "trail spice" on it and yes, they still have to eat it
- the morning counselor meeting is what saves your sanity
- having adult conversation feels weird and wonderful at the same time
- you deal with blood, sweat, tears and vomit on an every other day, if not daily, basis
- you can't get through a meal without somebody spilling something
- you tell your kids the sun sets later than it does so that they go to bed sooner
- you discover that your co-counselor is one of the best people in the world and you don't know what you would do without them
- your appreciation for parents, your own and everyone else's, grows exponentially
- your campers drive you crazy, but the minute they are gone you miss them more than anything
- you just (potentially) had the best summer of your life
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