::the most ironic class of my college career::

I've just embarked on my junior year so even though I have a year and a half of college to go I think I can still safely stand by my post title. The class I'm referring to is entitled, "The Neurobiology of Stress". You may be laughing already and that's totally okay. It is an upper level biology class that I am taking to satisfy part of my science gen-ed requirement. The subject material is fascinating though I admit to being a little lost in the details of how the systems work since it's been 5 to 6 years since I took biology in high school. But the irony of my current state of life and the subject material of this class is too much for me. In most situations, you can choose to laugh or cry and I usually prefer to laugh as seen through all of the pictures I have chosen for this post. Nobody told me how stressful junior year would be. And maybe it isn't actually, it's just mine in particular. But I've been at a fairly high stress level since...