::read • i • ness::

(author's note: this conversation is slightly paraphrased due to an imperfect memory. For context, it was held the day I left for Spain) This is straight-up how I function. No lie. Me: "Do you think anyone is ever ready for something that they're about to do?" Friend: *laughter* (kind, not mean) Me: "Why are you laughing at me?" Him: "That's a very vulnerable question. Indirect but vulnerable. Do you not feel ready?" Me: "No, I don't. But I don't know that I ever have been on any of my adventures." Him: "Our definition of ready usually means being without fear. But if readiness can include fear and anxiety, sometimes a lot of fear and anxiety, then you can be ready. Being ready can be being committed and doing what you know is right and what God has called you to. Being ready is also being prepared for what is to come, not just physically but also emotionally. It depends on how you define 'ready'."...