"i'm not short, i'm just fun-sized!"

In the mountains of Galicia Fun-sized candy bars, do they still make those anymore? I love them because that's often just amount of chocolate I want, two bites worth, and I'm satisfied. But the line, "I'm not short, I'm just fun-sized!" is one I find entertaining and have oft repeated in regards to my own height. As you already know, I'm a short person by American standards. I'm about 5'3" and the average height for an American woman is around 5'4"-5'5". So I'm not horribly short but just short enough that pants are a couple inches too long, I often can't quite reach something, and I'm always in the front row for group pictures. It's something I often joke about--you ask tall people if they play basketball but you don't ask short people if they play mini-golf! (okay, the fun-sized one was better)--and am occasionally grateful for since it means I can easily curl up in chairs or fit into small spaces co...