::give us this day our daily bread::

Much of the time I feel unqualified and wrong in praying this phrase, "give us this day our daily bread", and yet I know I am absolutely right and justified in asking God for my daily bread. I'm a privileged, decently well off, college-educated woman in one of the richest, first-world countries today. Who am I to complain that I don't have enough for each day? In many ways, I can't and in other ways, I recognize I'm in deeper need of more than I realize. When this phrase comes up, I either gloss over it as I recite the Lord's prayer or I'm uncomfortable with it because it requires trust and humility and to me, it signifies a lack of control. If I have to be praying for my "daily bread" whatever that may be, it means I didn't plan my life "right" or something went awry. Admittedly, it's a matter of pride and distrust in God because I don't believe that He will provide for me so I have to do it for myself. *SIN ALERT* Yea...