::and so we commence::

The Order of the Phoenix (House) - aka my fabulous housemates and I Commencement may mean the beginning of something but as we all know, in order for a new chapter to begin another one has to end. The last 4 years spent as a student at Wheaton College have come to a bittersweet close. So far in my short life, they've been some of the best and some of the hardest years of my life in such a variety of ways. I can't sum up my Wheaton career in one blog post but I can give some highlights of the experiences I've had, the things I've learned, and most of all, the people I've had the privilege of being in relationship with. Thanks to my family for all their support, encouragement, and love the past four years! When I reflect on the experiences I've had, 2 categories come up. First, all of the times on campus that've been both spontaneous and planned, such as deep discussions in the library, late night conversations with my roommates, throwing house par...