::El Roi - the God who sees::

I see you. I see you. I see you. I see you . Read those again and take in the emphasis of each word and what it means to you. Let it sink in. What does it mean to be seen? What would it mean for you to see me or vice versa? Being seen is being known. Being known is being vulnerable. And being vulnerable is absolutely terrifying. Yet we want to be seen because it means you are looking past the facades and fronts to our authentic selves. In your seeing me, you have the power to hurt me tremendously which scares me. Also in your seeing me, you can know me and love me beyond understanding and there is nothing more precious than that. A friend said to me recently, "I just wanted to let you know I see you ." Part of me was comforted by that while the doubting part of me asked, "do you really see me?" I frequently ask the same thing of God. "Do you truly see me? Do you see where I'm at and what I'm struggling with? Do you see the variables and tensi...