::theology with toddlers::

Whether you love kids or you want nothing to do with them, whether you think they're cute or annoying, or whether you think my job of spending 8-9 hours a day, 5 days a week with toddlers sounds like a dream or a nightmare, kids will teach you fascinating lessons if you're willing to see and learn. If you've spent any time with kids, you know they are unfiltered, don't regulate their emotions, act impulsively, and are their truest selves all the time. My own inner child comes out when I'm with kids which is a huge reason of why I love working with them. I let down my guard, allow myself to be silly, and am vulnerable in ways I'm not able to with adults. Being with kids is often humbling and eye-opening. Things aren't always as complicated as I make them out to be, such as theology. It can be understood on a toddler level, don't you think? Take natural depravity for example. I didn't expect to see it so clearly in my little ones. You could brush t...