::embodiment - a dangerous need::
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The Incredulity of Saint Thomas by Caravaggio |
"Then he [Jesus] said to Thomas, "Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve but believe."" John 20:27
One of my friends and I's favorite things to do is to ask 'would you rather' questions. So, would you rather... be a brain on a stick or a warm body in a room? In our world today, we would probably choose the warm body because we value the mental more than the physical. This can spiral off into the societal problems about how we view the business vs the working class, white vs blue collar jobs, etc. But for now, it's fascinating and perhaps mildly horrifying to understand how our society views and values different careers and abilities.

So what does it mean to be embodied? It's part of holistic living which means that matter matters. Our bodies matter. Spaces and places matter. The things in our lives, what we have or the lack thereof, matter. We acknowledge all this subconsciously but it's rising to the surface in this season. We are far more aware of our houses and who enters into them. We know the streets of our neighborhood as we walk them day after day. We are conscious of each other's bodies particularly those who are older or are immuno-suppressed. We are frustrated with what cannot be done or said in person and that no technology can recreate for us. As we stay home, we are intimately aware of what we have lost and we struggle to know how to grieve those losses. I miss being able to take Eucharist with my church family. I miss gathering in my small group leader's home. I miss having friends over for dinner. There are creative ways we are staying connected and ministering to one another but we know it's not the same. We are not meant to live such disembodied lives. Embodiment is what grounds us to the earth, to one another, to what it means to be human.
Which is why it is one of the biggest mysteries and intimacies of Christ. He was fully human which means he was embodied. He was clothed in flesh and hair just as we are. He felt all the things we do in our bodies such as tears dripping down his cheeks, tired legs after walking, a hungry stomach, coughing and sneezing, and everything else. Jesus knows what it means to be so and therefore He also knows what it's like as we struggle feeling disembodied, unable, and weary. Thomas putting his hand into Jesus' side makes us viscerally react because we know that Jesus is embodied and those are real wounds. Yet, Christ invites him to do so, saying, "believe. Believe in my embodiment of God and man. Believe that I am the resurrection and the life. Believe that there is hope." Jesus practiced embodiment and I believe that you should too because by practicing embodiment, you are practicing hope.
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