
Showing posts from July, 2020

::barred at the door::

*Note: "The language we use to categorize one another racially is imperfect ... Yet it is difficult to talk about what is essentially a flawed and problematic social construct without using language that is itself problematic. We have to be able to talk about it in order to change it. " - Beverly Daniel Tatum (p. 97, Why are all the Black Kids sitting together in the Cafeteria?, underlining mine) Have you ever been told you couldn't enter a space you wanted to go in? Whether it's your sibling's room, a club, or an amusement park ride, you get upset. Someone is denying you entry and especially as Americans in our highly individualistic and entitled mentality, (I'm guilty of this too) we don't stand by that. What standards do you hold that don't allow me to enter? You can argue with your brother as to why he won't let you into his room or plead with an employee to bend the requirements, but what happens when it's not that simple? When it's su...