::human factor of safety::

If you're similar to me, you're likely not an engineer and perhaps don't know what the factor of safety is or means. Though I probably should care since it matters for much of how I live my daily life like driving my car, getting into bed, and walking across a bridge! The definition of the factor of safety--in less technical terms--is how much stress or load something can take before it crumbles. For example, a plane can take 1.5 times the amount of stress it normally can before it would explode or something like that. A mechanical engineer friend was explaining this to me and I half-jokingly asked, "what's the factor of safety for a human?" How much stress can a person take before they break? I truly would love to know the answer to that question because I wonder when I'll break. This summer, as you know, has been a hurricane of issues between coronavirus, the awareness of racial injustice sweeping across our country, the possibility of schools reopening...