::for such a time as this::

" And who knows whether you have not come to your royal position for such a time as this? " Esther 4:14b Esther's story is one of my favorite Bible stories because she is what and who I aspire to be. I wonder if I would have the courage to do what was right in the face of scary or at times, not so scary, circumstances. Like many 90s Christian kids, I watched a LOT of VeggieTales growing up including Esther. A couple of the songs have stuck with me as well as this line by Mordecai to Esther, " You never need to be afraid to do what's right ." What simple yet powerful truth. Discerning what is right can be more challenging but if that's what's right, then that's what I should be doing with courage and not fear. The Lord is with me just as He was with Esther. She was ready to die for doing what she knew was right for her and her people. So was Jesus. Am I willing to do the same? As you may know, I work in the Chaplain's Office at Wheaton College...