::for such a time as this::

"And who knows whether you have not come to your royal position for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14b

Esther's story is one of my favorite Bible stories because she is what and who I aspire to be. I wonder if I would have the courage to do what was right in the face of scary or at times, not so scary, circumstances. Like many 90s Christian kids, I watched a LOT of VeggieTales growing up including Esther. A couple of the songs have stuck with me as well as this line by Mordecai to Esther, "You never need to be afraid to do what's right." What simple yet powerful truth. Discerning what is right can be more challenging but if that's what's right, then that's what I should be doing with courage and not fear. The Lord is with me just as He was with Esther. She was ready to die for doing what she knew was right for her and her people. So was Jesus. Am I willing to do the same?

As you may know, I work in the Chaplain's Office at Wheaton College and we have been repeating Esther 4:14b to and over our student leaders throughout this semester. In a year unlike any of us expected, we HAVE to believe we are put here for a reason. God knew that these students would be serving with us this year. He knew they would be in chapel band, student chaplains, small group leaders, etc. He said, "yes, you, my precious ones, are the right ones to be in these positions for such a time as this."

Credit: Morgan Harper Nichols
Beloved children of God, hear this truth: It's not a fluke or mistake that you are here in this time and in this place. If you recoil a little at that statement, know you are not alone. I feel the exact same way. You are where you are meant to be, however hard that may be or however much you don't want to be here. God knew difficult days were coming, that things we were not ready for would happen, that storm after storm would rock our worlds, yet we would not be [greatly] shaken (Ps. 62:6). Somewhat yes, but not enough to lose our faith nor to doubt the One who holds all in His hands. He knew you would be and are needed in the spaces where you have been put. Those people are there for you and you are there for them. This is what it means to live as a good and faithful servant.

There are probably so many other places and times we would rather be than here and now. Last year, 10 years ago, 10 years into the future, another country or state, with loved ones, far away from others, whatever you may desire. It's okay to feel like that. It's also okay if you're content and you've been able to dig into where you are and you are sensing why God placed you here for this time. That's so good and I rejoice with you in that. It is not easy to be in this time but this is where we are. What are you doing in this time? How are you pressing into your situation and context? With me as I imagine it is with you, it's a mixed bag. There has been good and redemption in the midst of the death, pain, and evil. It's hard to do what's right when others don't agree, when it requires sacrifice, and especially when we don't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am with you in all of that. I am afraid and anxious too. And yet, I'm trying to hope, to see the beauty in the ordinary, and to find joy in the little things. The world is not how it is meant to be and we are also imperfect in who we are. But God is sanctifying us in powerful ways and the world will be remade at the end of the age. Neither of us will be left as we are instead we are being and will be reborn and made new. May we all take hope in that promise.

Tell me why, I don't understand
Tell me why, or show me your hand
Tell me why because I can't see my way through
What now should I do

The battle is not ours
We look to God above
For He will guide us safely through
And guard us with His love


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