::the perfectionism dragon::

Once upon a time... because all good stories start with once upon a time, right? Once upon a time... there was a dragon and a little girl. The dragon lived in his lair and the little girl lived in her house. They didn't know each other yet. As the little girl grew older, whispers went out to the dragon beckoning him to her. The dragon would come to the little girl and talk to her. At the beginning, the little girl didn't realize she was talking to a dragon. You have to know that she had never seen a dragon before, no one had ever mentioned the word, "dragon", so how was she supposed to know what it was? The conversations were short and the little girl often left them feeling a little scared or ashamed without knowing why. As time went on, the dragon became closer and closer with the girl. He moved to living with her in her house and eventually going with her everywhere. This dragon was a very well behaved dragon. Most of the time he didn't show his face or breathe...