::the color(s) of hope::

Look at the hopeful color of that! What? You can’t see the color? Why not?! You’re colorblind so… that means you can’t see certain colors. Oh no, there is such a multitude of beautiful, vibrant, pulsating, tangible colors such as hope, love, grace, and more! I wish you could see them…

Wait, you can still see some colors, right? Which ones? Ahh, I understand. Yes, I see them too.

The color of discouragement. Slow thunder greys and murky space blues. Shoulders slumping down in swamp greens and the brownness of heads bowing under the weight. 

The color of COVID. Light blue and black crinkliness of masks. Blinding white starkness of hospitals. Too perky greens and yellows of disinfectant and cleaning supplies. 

The color of burnout. Frenetic highlighter yellow and snappy pink of planners and calendars. Reddish orange fire-glow of zeal dying into white black embers of exhaustion.

Sickly jaundice of anxiety. 

Simmering crimson of anger.

Sacred aubergine of lament and waiting. 

Slow fade to black of death.

Yes, I see them too. But those are not all the colors. I know you can’t see all of them but let me try to paint them for you. Close your eyes and imagine…

The color of love. Brown, black, olive, tan, and white skin of arms enfolding you in an embrace. Spring green of split pea soup and the luscious pinkness of ham on a friend’s table. Gleaming iridescence of listening and being listened to by a loved one.

The color of joy. Pearly inner light in someone’s eyes when they see you. Caramel faded cover of a beloved book. Candle flickers of oranges and yellows musing into rosy pinks and royal purples of winter sunsets.

The color of grace. Tranquility of summer sky blue in letting go. Carnation pink of a flush in receiving what you do not deserve. Shiny apple red of the goodness of the Lord.

Lapis lazuli of community and fellowship.

            Golden corn yellow of blessing.

        Lilac of contentment and peace.

        The color of hope.

*Written for the (Church of the) RezArts Festival on January 29, 2022 and inspired by Romans 12:12, "Rejoice in hope. Be patient in tribulation. Be constant in prayer."


  1. Love it. Thank you for writing this, Francesca, and sharing this exploration with us.


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