::i will fight for you, be still::

Here's an easy question: who's your favorite superhero? You probably have one whether you're 5 or 65 since we've been inundated with superhero stories, comics, and movies for decades. Our country and our world clearly adore these stories (how many Marvel movies are we at now?). We all know the set up. A big problem occurs. Something must be done or [insert seriously terrible consequences]. Protagonist is the only option. Protagonist fights/quests/does both and succeeds! The side characters, villains, and backstories make each story unique. For whatever reason superhero movies have never been my jam (my current total is 4). Perhaps why I don't gravitate towards them is because they feel too close to home. I'm already fighting my own fight. I don't desire to watch someone else's as flashy and cool as it may be.

I've been told that I'm the only one fighting for myself for most of my life. It's a challenging and lonely place, why do you think there are always sidekicks? Everybody needs a friend or two and most certainly an opportunity to laugh in the midst of the madness. Humor has great power in and of itself. Seriously, never underestimate a good laugh. My sidekicks have rotated in and out over the years depending on where I am and who's around me. But I'm still the main one fighting and it's tiring being your own superhero. But what choice do I have when there is no one else? There is much evil in the world and the villains keep coming, internal and external. The main villain, the devil, is constantly on the prowl and I must continue resisting. It's hard to hold onto hope in a broken world and yet it must be done or the evil will run rampant, sowing death and destruction.

Yet the fight is more difficult when the villains are the voices inside your head, the fears and anxieties, the things that make you lie awake at night. What superpowers do you have to conquer them? How do you defeat the ever present loneliness and longing? Have you ever faced your root fear or your deepest desire? They're kinda gigantic and more than a mite terrifying. My enemies are the temptations nibbling away at my self-control, the never-ending lies, and the crushing power of having worth because of what I do. It would be easier to take a swing at a monster or chase down a real person than attempt to heal from a childhood wound or believe the truth of who God says I am. I don't have an incredible Hans Zimmer soundtrack backing me or an iconic outfit in which I moodily pose. However, I do know what my weapons are -- Scripture, Truth, and Faith; who stands beside me -- the Trinity, my friends and family, and how to use them -- lots of practice, trusting, and obeying. Acting upon all of this knowledge is its own separate battle and probably blog post.

What I do know is that I'm going to have to stand on my own two feet and fight for myself or else get smushed by everything and everybody. Or do I? "The Lord said, 'I will fight for you, you need only to be still' " (Exodus 14:14). Some versions say "you need only to be silent". Both are vital in their own ways. The Lord was speaking to the people of Israel then and He's speaking to me now. "My child, my daughter, my beloved, I will fight for you". *nearly collapse in relief* Really? You'll fight for me instead? You mean that it's not just me? I'm no longer on my own? It's not an excuse for me to stop fighting the evil but now I have an equal. No, I have someone better; I have someone who is greater than the enemy. I'm not on my own. I have someone who is going to take the heat, who will sacrifice themselves first, who will do anything to keep me safe. Isn't that amazing and crazy? He will stand between me and the danger. He will be my sword and shield in this war. I have no reason to fear, rather I ought to have renewed strength and courage just as the Narnians did when Aslan joined the fight against the Telmarines.

But I still have to do something. Which is be still. Still? Like stop fighting? But Scripture says, 'fight the good fight, run the good race'. No, stillness does not mean ceasing everything. It means being present with the Lord, drawing near to Him, letting go of the fears, resting under the shadow of His wings. Being still is being rooted in the truth of His Word, listening to the Holy Spirit who indwells me, and knowing in head and heart that I am beloved and redeemed. Being still is a superpower that I don't have yet though I'm trying to cultivate it. The Lord will fight for me whether or not I am still but since He paid the ultimate price for me in His death, is it not the least I can do in following His commands? He is inviting me to obey and to be part of the fight, already knowing who is going to win. I no longer have to be my own superhero but now I get to fight knowing that the Good will triumph. Wonder Woman, I too believe in love. And guess what? Love will save the world, in fact it already has. 


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