::lent - the perfect time for coronavirus::
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Photo credit: Tanner Olsen (@writtentospeak) |
What makes my friend ready to die at the hand of perfection? What quality about it makes us do anything to attain it? We are constantly chasing perfection whether it's in our careers, parenting, schoolwork, relationships, or in the million daily tasks that make up the mosaic of our lives. This hunger for perfection consumes some of us, myself included (read more: The Standard of Never Enough). Yet, I dare to say that Lent is the "perfect" time for Coronavirus because we are in a season of lament, grief, and facing our mortality. I'm not saying that Coronavirus is a good thing or that I'm glad it's happening. Trust me, I'm starting to go crazy sheltering in place in my house and I'm an introvert, albeit a social one. But since Coronavirus has come, it seems fitting it's occurring now with the supposed "peak" being during Passover as we are praying that the plague will pass over us and our loved ones.

If you're unfamiliar with Lent, it is the liturgical season of preparation for Easter in which we are lamenting, fasting, and praying. It's marked by the color purple because the color is associated with mourning and therefore with the pain and suffering of crucifixion but also because it's associated with royalty and we are anticipating Christ's current and coming kingship. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, a day where you see people with weird grey streaks on their foreheads that may or may not resemble a cross. The words, "Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return" are spoken over every parishioner as they are marked with ashes; a symbol of what this pandemic is bringing to the forefront of our minds. We are but dust and we will eventually die and our physical bodies will return to dust. Lent and Coronavirus are simultaneously reminding us of our mortality, a fact we tend to avoid. We may not perish from Coronavirus but if not from that, then from something else someday. We are frail creatures though we like to believe we are invincible. We can be taken down by something as tiny as a virus, something we cannot even see. Perhaps that is what frightens us the most. It is beyond our control. But we can cling to His Sovereignty, His rule and reign that is beyond us. His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are greater than ours (Isaiah 55:9).
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Photo credit: Tanner Olsen (@writtentospeak) |
This season also calls us to take a hard look at our own sin and darkness. We fast and pray as a reminder to draw closer to God and for Him to fill the voids we usually try to satisfy with other things. Coronavirus has opened up other voids in our lives. We no longer can attend church, meet with friends, shop casually, be in our workplaces, or go to school, all the normal things that fill our busy lives. Now, we have free time, empty spaces, vacant places. How are we trying to fill them? To what are we turning to for comfort and escape? These voids are worth mourning over but they are not worth despairing about. The perfect God-Man died one of the most torturous deaths that we may hope rather than despair. His perfection enables us to live our imperfect lives without fear of retribution because He already paid the price.

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